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Hi!!! My name is Fithria , i'm 18 years old and I come from Jakarta, Indonesia. I love Savage Garden but especially Daniel Jones...I am totally in love with him and that's why I made a huge section with just his pics...probably the largest collection of his pics on the net!!! Or u wanna know more bout me or u'd like to know about ARKARNA,a cool techno band??? Just find out all about this cute stuffs...!!!Now I've added music in some of my pages...What music can u hear now?? Enjoy and I must warn u all that this page is still in big construction!!! But I promise I'll finish it and make a great place!!! THANX!!!

Touch this if u don't like my Daniel
Don't touch it if u like him!! I warned u!!!
Yeah touch here!!!

and it's now......
ur time

While ur here I suggest u buy Savage Garden CD!!!

This cute page has been visited for... times since July 1998

I'd like to apologize to all of you who got annoyed with the 'TOUCH HERE' thing!!!
But this apologize goes to those who touched it accidentally!!!

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